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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420
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The best moonshine flavors

Our Favorite Moonshine Flavors

It’s no secret that moonshine is one of our favorite beverages. Our favorite part about the drink, besides the distilling process, is the number of flavors we can create from the same base. Yes, whiskey is excellent, and different bottles taste different, but you still...

Bottles of liquor and wine

Does Liquor Expire?

Whether you’re doing a bit of spring cleaning, reorganizing, or simply inventorying your stash, you may come across a few opened bottles and wonder whether or not they’re worth saving. Let’s see how long wine, beer, and liquor last and see what’s worth keeping around.  We...

Valentine's Day cocktail old-fashioned

Valentine’s Day Drinks

The most romantic day of the year is almost here. Ladies, you get a little extra romance this year since the Super Bowl is the day before Valentine’s Day, virtually guaranteeing that your man won’t even think about Valentine’s Day until Monday morning. Don’t worry;...

Coffee with cream liqueur

Our Favorite Cream Liqueur Recipes

January is a tough month. It’s cold, but we no longer have the excitement of the holidays. We’re trying to get our lives on the right track while dealing with freezing and sub-freezing weather daily. Luckily, we have the cure for your January blues: cream...

Apple pie moonshine and cut apples.

Drink Healthier in 2022

Happy New Year! Why not start the new year off by developing healthier drinking habits? Although we are a distilling company, we understand the effects excessive drinking can have on your health and urge our customers to drink responsibly and in a healthy manner that...

Tennessee Frost Moonshine

Our 100 proof traditional moonshine is made from heirloom corn we grow right here in East Tennessee, Tennessee. This is shine the way it’’s been made for hundreds of years.

100 PROOF / 50% ALC BY VOL.