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Stock Your Liquor Cabinet at Old Tennessee

Old Tennessee Distilling Company / Old Tennessee  / Stock Your Liquor Cabinet at Old Tennessee
Stocked liquor cabinet with various drinks on a bar

Stock Your Liquor Cabinet at Old Tennessee

Just because we are known for our moonshine doesn’t mean we don’t have more to bring to the table. At Old Tennessee Distilling Company, we offer every liquor you need to stock up your liquor cabinet! From moonshine, whiskey, bourbon, rum, rye, vodka, gin, brandy, to tequila, we offer it all. You don’t have to stop at the liquor store after you pick up your moonshine – we are a one-stop shop! Come in today to stock up on everything your minibar needs.

Old Tennessee Distilling Liquor


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Tennessee Frost Moonshine

Our 100 proof traditional moonshine is made from heirloom corn we grow right here in East Tennessee, Tennessee. This is shine the way it’’s been made for hundreds of years.

100 PROOF / 50% ALC BY VOL.