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Author: Kent Merritt

Old Tennessee Distilling Company / Articles posted by Kent Merritt (Page 4)

Top 4 Tailgating Tips for 2022

“It’s going to be Tennessee’s year!” Sure, we say that most years, but in particular, the Vols look great this year. What better way to celebrate the Vols' victories, especially after our recent win over lifelong rival Florida, than with a good, old-fashioned tailgate? Here...

PB&J Skrewball

Few things remind you of childhood, like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so are you looking for a way to tie together the wistful nostalgia of your childhood in the guise of an adult beverage? Look no further than the PB&J Skrewball! This deliciously nutty peanut...

Tennessee Frost Moonshine

Our 100 proof traditional moonshine is made from heirloom corn we grow right here in East Tennessee, Tennessee. This is shine the way it’’s been made for hundreds of years.

100 PROOF / 50% ALC BY VOL.