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Healthy Drinks Tag

Old Tennessee Distilling Company / Posts tagged "Healthy Drinks"
Apple pie moonshine and cut apples.

Drink Healthier in 2022

Happy New Year! Why not start the new year off by developing healthier drinking habits? Although we are a distilling company, we understand the effects excessive drinking can have on your health and urge our customers to drink responsibly and in a healthy manner that...

Clear glass of a vodka soda with lime wedges on a wooden table

Drink Healthier All 2021

The New Year has routinely been a time for making resolutions to get in shape, which may involve eating cleaner or exercising more. However, pledging to be healthier doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice all of the things you love. One example of this for...

Tequila in shot glasses with rims of salt sitting on the cutting Board.

New Year’s Resolution: Drink More Tequila

Drink more tequila - that’s our New Year’s Resolution for 2020. Alcohol tends to have a bad reputation for being unhealthy. We are here to tell you today that not all alcohol is bad for you. Some is actually very beneficial to your health overall....

Tennessee Frost Moonshine

Our 100 proof traditional moonshine is made from heirloom corn we grow right here in East Tennessee, Tennessee. This is shine the way it’’s been made for hundreds of years.

100 PROOF / 50% ALC BY VOL.