Drink Healthier All 2021
The New Year has routinely been a time for making resolutions to get in shape, which may involve eating cleaner or exercising more. However, pledging to be healthier doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice all of the things you love. One example of this for many people is alcohol. While some alcoholic drinks contain high calories and large amounts of sugars, there are some great options for those looking to get healthier without giving up the bottle.
Most experts agree that drinking in moderation is key to incorporating alcohol into a healthy lifestyle plan. It’s also a good idea to pass on simple sugars or pre-made drink mixes, which contain high sugar levels and lots of calories. Instead, try opting for a squeeze of lime or lemon juice or add a splash of tonic to sweeten up your drink. Nutritionists also remind social drinkers to be aware of how many drinks they’ve had, as calories can add up quickly. Take a water break in between each drink to stay hydrated and slow your pace.
If you’re wondering what the healthiest drink options are, we’ve got you covered. In moderation, red wine offers benefits such as antioxidants, which have been known to promote heart health. Light beers are also preferred over heavier lagers or ales which can contain surprisingly high calories and carbs per serving.
Alcohols like tequila or vodka are low in calories and are great sugar-free options that still leave room for adding flavor. Skip the margarita and ask for tequila with lime juice or vodka with lemon. We recommend our Tail of the Dragon tequila or Dumplin Creek vodka as the perfect bases. Adding club soda is another great way to keep your drink light and tasty, without adding all the sugars.
This year, make a resolution to prioritize your health by choosing healthier alcohols. At Old Tennessee Distilling Company, we have a wide selection of spirits and alcohols for any of your needs. Visit our website or stop by our location in Kodak, TN for free tastings and to learn more about our distilling process. Our team would be more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect healthy alcohol that tastes great and is better for you!